489 words This. This freaking complex is everywhere. 549 words MFW I choose the middle option on predictive text (after seeing hilarious examples in another TrollX thread) and it spells out "I am a beautiful person" like some kind of much needed gift from the universe. 586 words Trolls, the past year my dad has had a series of freak health occurrences, culminating in him getting a pacemaker this Friday. I'm so scared and sad and WHY HIM? 377 words MRW on a news article about women choosing not to have children, a commenter says women need to "accept the consequences when they spread their legs". 314 words Double standard in comic books 318 words Last week I met a cute, smart, well-dressed, polite guy on tinder. Basically perfect. So of course I sleep with him immediately and he ghosts on me. And since then I've been doubting my philosophy on sex and relationships and I'm so angry about it. 530 words I want to know your stories! I would love letters just telling me your personal story, something you need to get off your chest, or just a rant! Written letters or PM's are fine! (This is for a COMM class of mine) Here's a unicorn kitten :D 487 words MRW I'm initially happy to see men coming out about their experiences with rape to reduce stigma, only to read the comments claiming that "feminism" are making these men feel like they can't open up about their rape 379 words Trolls, I am so confused and need advice! I will send virtual pizza and tacos! 504 words MRW I hear coworkers complain that they have jury duty "again" 376 words SO's life is falling apart; I don't know what to do. He is currently on the bed steaming and I'm on the floor browsing TrollX. HIF.... 437 words Seriously, I want to read some stories. What's up, what's bothering you right now, do you have a crush on someone? Did you buy new shoes? 396 words Ugh... I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain to this idiot. (X-post from /r/justneckbeardthings) 350 words George Takei is my spirit animal. 580 words Trolls, I need some relationship advice. I don't know what to do. 441 words MRW I'm home alone for a few weeks and my mother won't leave me alone because she refuses to accept that I'm adult who can take care of herself 396 words Warning: very political sarcasm 1,166 words HIF, as a Bernie supporter, when I see certain people on reddit try to deal with the realization that their precious candidate is what they would consider a nasty "SJW" 340 words HIF, as a Bernie supporter, when I see certain people on reddit try to deal with the realization that their precious candidate is what they would consider a nasty "SJW" 293 words HIF, as a Bernie supporter, when I see certain people on reddit try to deal with the realization that their precious candidate is what they would consider a nasty "SJW"