291 words I love Emma Watson 294 words MRW people I know tell me "planned Parenthood should be shut down because of all the... you know" 280 words MRW I finally have sex after a rough break up and the guy is bigger than my ex 656 words Possibly The Worst Dates In The History Of Dating 518 words I drunk ordered pizza last night and woke up to this... All I remember from our encounter is him telling me I smelled good and my response was "thanks I showered" *closes door* *dives head first into pizza* 421 words I drunk ordered pizza last night and woke up to this... All I remember from our encounter is him telling me I smelled good and my response was "thanks I showered" *closes door* *dives head first into pizza* 418 words I drunk ordered pizza last night and woke up to this... All I remember from our encounter is him telling me I smelled good and my response was "thanks I showered" *closes door* *dives head first into pizza* 563 words MFW I realised 2 weeks ago I have to finish this, put it off because don't want to, but I have to because it hurts to be in this. But I still don't wanna. 399 words YOU GUYS! I just landed my first big-girl job as a corrections officer at the county jail! 573 words #QuestionsForMen 347 words #QuestionsForMen 474 words This is the ultimate girl code. 826 words She is definitely my spirit animal. 345 words MRW when I'm making out with my super hot OKC date and he picks me up, pushes me against the wall, grabs a handful of my hair, and starts kissing my neck and chest while talking dirty into my ear. 440 words HIF after being in a car with my boyfriend since 7am YESTERDAY. 467 words MRW I discovered that the height of the guy i've been seeing DEFINITELY correlates with, uh....other things. He's 6'8". 490 words MRW I want to hang out with a guy "friend", but they get weird over text 328 words MRW I was *this* close to what promised to be an amazing orgasm... but then my vibrator died. I'm afraid my face might stay this way. 572 words HIFW I tried to get over my ex with a random hookup and ended up getting choked (story in comments) 330 words How to avoid false rape accusations