320 words My wife (26F) and I (25F) have only been married a few months and I’m worried her true colors are starting to show.. I need help and fast. I know I’m a man and I should just tough it out but I’m joining the army in a few months and don’t wanna make the mistake of taking her with me and risking it. 162 words i might’ve accidentally gotten my ex kicked out of school 132 words 7 weeks pregnant, in a wildly unstable relationship with a man i really love, and terrified 149 words Is this coercing for sex? 214 words I don’t know what to do anymore. 449 words He said he’s worried he will treat me badly before even dating? 393 words He texted me yesterday, then again today, acting sweet like he used to be. I said one thing to make amends and then this happened. Am I in the wrong? 131 words Ate an edible with my husband, now having an internal panic attack. 252 words I miss sex with him. 140 words ex keeps doing weird subliminal things to get my attention, makes me feel crazy!! 161 words Mod Note Re: Posts About BPD 194 words Did anyone’s ex abandon them in times of need? 129 words What did I do wrong, I feel so torn down 202 words Skin to skin 232 words “What kind of a wife are you!” 186 words My abusive ex has a new girlfriend. 158 words I made a list of things my ex said/texted to me during our relationship. He broke up with me a month ago by calling me 'abusive'. this list helps me remind that this man never loved me. 234 words Anyone else not realize how bad it actually was, until it was over? 134 words Now my husband is being incredibly nice while pushing me away at the same time .... I'm very fearful and started by his voice now and walking around, I can occasionally voice my thoughts but have to build my way to it or have a drink first because I'm terrified of the outcome of me speaking up 148 words is it abusive if after you apologize for a mistake they dig into you, curse at you, insult you, yell (or type in caps to mimic it), threaten things, no matter how apologetic you act, and beg them to stop, and they always do it following a day where it felt like we really connected?