He said he’s worried he will treat me badly before even dating?

Dude, I myself don’t even know you or whoever you’re seeing, but as a guy I do know that I’ve definitely had those feelings/worries before.

I’ve definitely been ill with words and rude in relationships before. And I really do regret it. I don’t purposefully do it. It’s more of a thing where I’d ignore texts, said I wanted a relationship when I just wanted something casual, not answer calls, not be honest about certain things like that. I have gotten a tons better with communicating my feelings in a way that’s honest, and not rude or mean.

And yeah, whenever I date someone I’m interested in, I do question if I really like them or just their attention, etc.

I don’t think it’s wrong to have thoughts, and to express them honestly to someone you care about.

I’ve always valued honesty, especially regarding one’s own feelings, which can be super hard to share sometimes.

If my significant other were to tell me, “hey honestly I have these feelings of XYZ… and it bothers/worries me for this reason… etc.” I would be there for them to hear them out. I’d have no reason to believe they’re “lying” or “using a manipulative tactic”, unless they’ve done so otherwise.

I’d take what they’re telling me, for what it is, they’re worried and wanted to share it, then I’d appreciate them sharing it, rather than not saying anything at all.

Granted, I don’t know the tone or context of this conversation, which kind of plays a role. Like were they angry while telling you this? Were they opening up to you?

The thing is, since I don’t know, I’m not going to make the call, I literally don’t know any of you!! Lol. I’m just speaking off of my experiences.

But, if he said he’s worried he might like actually, physically harm you then yeah get the fuck out of there.

Either way, the last thing I’d do is put them down or immediately cut contact with them for the rest of my life, that doesn’t make sense, to me at least.

You shouldn’t listen to people on Reddit though. You have the freedom to choose what you’d like to do.

If this is causing you stress, and you’re not sure, you are more than allowed to end things. If you really like this person, and truly believe they can work on things to be better, then you are more than allowed to be there for them as well

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