I made a list of things my ex said/texted to me during our relationship. He broke up with me a month ago by calling me 'abusive'. this list helps me remind that this man never loved me.

Here is my list I've kept for two years, sometimess I forget to add to it though

This has no future payoff I'm not ready for a serious relationship(after looking seriously into apartments together for months) I'm not happy I never will be I look at you and just see regret and feel bad No one wants you here You're gross get away from me Our sex is just frustrating it's too much You're a dirty bitch I don't care what you do, sleep under a bridge or die You don't respect my things I can't live my life with you You stay with me because you're pathetic You disgust me Move your fat ass Whore I fucking hate you Do you even have two brain cells to rub together Fucking idiot

Sometimes it helps to get it out there even if it doesn't go anywhere. Glad to see I'm not the only one who does this.

/r/abusiverelationships Thread Link - i.redd.it