157 words I will never understand how so many were brainwashed to support a class structure in which they spend their entire lives working to make someone else wealthy beyond comprehension 125 words Capitalism is extremely ableist 126 words AITA for telling my wife I’m not doing free work for my father in law? 151 words How are autistic people meant to survive? 296 words Old boss wants to sue me for negative Glassdoor review. There's nothing he can legally do right? 144 words I've found a new reason to turn down jobs. 121 words Ignorant facebook person is ignorant! 138 words Phishing Test 206 words Fuck Doordash. Fuck UberEats. I'm launching my own open-source non-profit food delivery platform. 205 words Manager denied me time to study for school, so I quit and left her begging for help 141 words Just started a job, and I got this letter recently. Im not a lawyer but isn’t this illegal? They also don’t give any of its employees breaks. 158 words Explain this 163 words Screw you if you have a family and want insurance. This comes out to more than half my paycheck (biweekly). Not to mention this is a extremely high deductible plan. Might as well take a lower paying job so I can get insurance from the state. 278 words My friend's grandfather (98) passed away and talking about all he accomplished as a MAILMAN is maddening (his brother, now, has the exact same job for comparison) 150 words I wonder why there is a teacher shortage. 178 words being lazy is not a thing 177 words being lazy is not a thing 203 words being lazy is not a thing 151 words Enough with the shootings- National Sick Out- Thursday, June 2nd- 164 words Retirement doesn't have to be a dream. It's possible for many of you.