Retirement doesn't have to be a dream. It's possible for many of you.

Ok I’ll bite.

So let’s say I land this fancy position. Is the starting wage a living wage? Is it even a decent wage? And will I be given a raise to match the increasingly out of control inflation that is currently going on?

Once you land that posting it is unreasonable to believe that you can begin saving early unless you are fortunate enough to come into it without any student debt. So how long do you spend digging out of that debt? 5 years? 10? After that many years is my position still there or have I been “restructured” out?

Retirement is possible on paper. In a bubble. Given 40 years of this (*motions to everything), I don’t believe retirement as we know it today is going to be possible for most people, and that’s not even factoring in random medical costs, life costs, etc. Only if there is a radical shift will retirement be back on the table for many.

/r/antiwork Thread