Fuck Doordash. Fuck UberEats. I'm launching my own open-source non-profit food delivery platform.

I use too good to go sometimes and there is no way to monetize it given the prices (price divided by 4 or 5).

Of course they will sell it for way cheaper, is food that has gone stale or fruits that might have some rotten parts. If they could have sold them to normal customers at any price they wouldn't be using the app. They are literally earning profit from something that wouldn't have being able to be sold otherwise. They are selling Trash in their eyes. That is a Gold mine. I don't see how that is not monetizing it.

some people that are not too picky on food get random stuff for cheap and business can sell stuff that would go to waste and make a few extra bucks.

So they have the option to choose what they sell in the app and you telling me there is no way to monetize it? Someone in this thread said they got a Hand sanitizer using the app; something that doesn't even go bad and is not food.

The stores have too much power in the app and not only are they selling their Trash but get to choose what stale food you eat too.

/r/antiwork Thread Parent