224 words My (Dr) friend went to work in A&E after a few years in other departments- I quote: “Ive seen 100 patients over the last 3 days and feel guilty even taking a break. So many sick people waiting..” 196 words In order to pay my council tax online I need my 9 digit account number, my entire address, my full name, my email address and work out what my monthly payment should be 184 words Waiting for that cup of tea to reach optimum drinking temperature. Get it right and you have the greatest beverage on earth. Get it wrong and you have a lukewarm milky mouthful of regret 325 words Actually bbc, I'm not too bothered that a load of Americans are about to lose their roof tiles 182 words Channel 4 is using disabled people for voiceovers which I'm absolutely in favour of, but if I'm in the kitchen during the adverts I can't understand what's coming on next 341 words Cyclists with no lights at 5am in the rain.......fuck you 345 words Having a prime minister that thinks you give a shit about the way her God would have voted. 199 words In London rent a house in zone 8 or 9 to save rental costs but spend a lot of money to travel to work or rent an expensive 1 bedroom flat in zone 1 or 2 and save money on travel costs 199 words Giving directions to a stranger, then afterwards questioning how easy they were to follow, then worrying they won't get there. 185 words It's that day of the year where every other cunt pretends to be Irish. 213 words Had to deal with a passenger at the Airport who complained that the terminal "was far too hot". She then got on a plane to Turkey. 275 words People complain about the rain. I like the rain. Stop being mean to the rain. 439 words Trying to find an un-biased opinion on the new Top Gear. 408 words My local Tesco still won't take contactless, but will happily use something called PayQwiq 293 words Someone else is using MY toilet at work. 334 words A country I don't live in is having an election in November and our media won't shut up about it. 382 words Racists. Racists everywhere. 903 words I know everything about Bernie Sanders but nothing about Jeremy Corbyn. 487 words People seem to think putting dog poo in a plastic bag and hanging it from a tree is better than just having left it on the ground... 399 words I upgraded my Lloyds current account to the £17/month Platinum in 30 seconds online, but to downgrade it to the free account, I had to go to the branch and conduct a half hour interview, including two mandatory videos on the account features.