125 words Kids are gross, but parents are more so 178 words I don't get why everything on the internet has to be child friendly now 146 words Bingo’d and interrogated by my best friend for being childfree 113 words My female friends claim that fetal alcohol syndrome is "anti woman medical propaganda" and just a way to control pregnant women's bodies. 123 words My Partner wants kids and I'm devastated. 151 words So tired of seeing an adult who legit caught a baseball at a game being shamed for not giving the ball to some kid. 139 words I don't ever want kids because it would mean sacrificing my amazing body. 150 words My husband’s family is pissed of at me for refusing to take care of my brother-in-law’s kids cos I am childfree by choice. 200 words Planning THE CONVERSATION 220 words Question for the ladies 156 words I think kids are great 162 words The only people who celebrated the 4th were white Christian males and their handmaiden. 130 words “So you think only rich people should be allowed to have kids?” Well… yes. 204 words Talking about not having children with family members. 390 words Does anybody else INSTANTLY lose interest in a celebrity/musician as soon as they announce that they're expecting a child? 200 words What's a Childfree thought you have, that you wouldn't say anywhere but the safety of this sub? 169 words I don't date men with children. 333 words “Parental Entitlement,” has put both my living situation (and possible safety) at risk. 152 words THE talk. 112 words "Study Warns Against Replacing the word "Mothers" With "Birth-givers" "