138 words Mother tried to bring baby into a sex store 162 words 12 year relationship ending because I refuse to be used to have children 125 words Does anyone else feel grossed out/icky when someone asks if you have kids? 139 words God-DAMN, That’s an ugly baby. 135 words What is it with pregnant people thinking they can do whatever they want and that the world owes them everything? 1,408 words Way to much hate directed at this sub 140 words I need some help 146 words Leave was denied. 181 words People around me are starting to have families. I'm afraid of what's coming... 257 words Coworker dating a teenager, and already talking about having kids together 313 words Older adults: what is your friend group like? Do you have one? 142 words If your a guy and you know you never want kids, Vasectomy. I had it done years ago. Simple, scary, but easy and relatively painless. Getting hit in the nuts hurts alot worse to me. Plus a good doc gives you pain meds to ease the pain. 131 words How much of a rare breed am I? 166 words Can we stop making every brewery/beer garden "kid-friendly" please? 186 words I can't wait to be sterilized soon. 156 words As an asexual, I feel as though us aces and CF people receive quite similar backlash when we just exist 166 words Dads who didn't want the kid 129 words I get this superiority complex as a woman who is childfree 585 words Overheard my boyfriends mom make a passive remark about wanting grandchildren 339 words For people who have had an abortion: what did someone in your life say/do that helped you realize that getting an abortion was the best choice for you?