226 words My cousin (f) did not want children. But her husband did. 131 words How do single moms do it? 176 words Have any Canadian women had their tubes tied here? 242 words Strict parents 132 words I don't give a shit anymore 132 words Your husband broke his neck? Make sure you're participating in a meal train for a new mom right now, priorities be damned! 123 words Mom wants me to give my little brother an iPad/laptop for his birthday. I’m not doing that!! Kids are expensive, that’s why I’m CF. I earned my money, I’m not spending it on luxury for someone else’s kid. 179 words For those who absolutely cannot stand kids, at what age do younger people become tolerable to you and why? 168 words My sister got married and pregnant at the age of 18 and I'm honestly very jealous of her life 133 words CF Lounge: Aug 03-Aug 09 212 words I have a question! 247 words My friends are salty I bought a 3 bedroom apartment and I have no kids. 948 words The Sheer Number of Married Fathers who have hit on me since I began puberty 16 years ago is the primary factor as to why I became childfree from an early age. 147 words Cutting Myself Off from Family 107 words "Mom" culture is a huge reason I don't want kids 158 words Kid let my parrot fly out the door 167 words Male CF because I would be a terrible parent. Am I alone? 260 words Sister found out the hard way that having kids doesn't make you more family oriented 231 words Do you think you'd make a good parent? (strawpoll attached) 200 words The best use of a "Baby on Board" Sign