121 words TIL Joseph Smith has 2 wives that were 14 at the time of marriage and he was 37 or 38. I am about his age and have a 14 year old daughter. I'm out. 173 words tucson anyone? 140 words I regret my wedding day. It's ruined so much for me. My oldest Catholic bro has not talked to me much since "he wasn't invited to my wedding" and it deeply hurt him. Payback's a bitch. I am not invited to the bridal shower, wedding party, or rehearsal dinner. #fuckthecult *Going to the ceremony. 269 words RM and Former Bishop - now seeing with eyes wide open... 123 words Repost with a Twist: Grieving for the Invisibles, and the Trapped 226 words I fell in love with a mormon girl, but I am agnostic, yet pretend to at least be Christian. Her biggest requirement is that I quit harmful substances, which I do for my health already. Not sure what else to expect if we get married. 151 words Worthiness interview petition BS 448 words Inconvenient Truths 274 words Criminal podcast about a man who basically runs a town by force, acts above the law , coerces a young teen to marry him and killed by a mob... 280 words Ask Me Anything - I am an angry, recently out after 50+ years of TBM, High Priest, former Bishop, 2 Stake High Counsels...What would you like to know 752 words HUGE NEWS! BYU has officially announced a fall into apostasy and rebellion agains the 12! 182 words Help with comeback to TBM wife 211 words History lesson over at r/AskHistorians 375 words I am 15, pregnant out of wedlock and afraid of being excommunicated 219 words Not Wearing Magic Underwear Has Never Felt So Good!!! 176 words Is there an organization that works to get the Mormon ideology out of state politics? 217 words Dad just beat the shit out of me for being against the church. Can't stay here any more I don't know what to do. I'm from Missouri and 17 years old. Can someone please help me? 164 words MEGATHREAD - James J. Hamula Excommunication [First Quorum of the Seventy] 210 words Porn shoulders out while I sully my temple with scotch. Cheers exmo friends!! 227 words Tonight I took my body back from TSCC...