Porn shoulders out while I sully my temple with scotch. Cheers exmo friends!!

The sweetheart thing is the Southern in me, no one has a choice, I legitimately call every girl I know sweetheart/babydoll/honey..... those 3 words I use... constantly..... So I can't do anything about that, I'm not going to change it and this is the first time anyone's ever told me it's condescending, but I get it, you're an extremely defensive person. I can respect that...

I'm not asking you to explain anything, I asked what your view was on something because of my own ignorance, because I don't see what you're seeing and I'm curious. I don't just come to r/exmormon, it was on r/all when I was scrolling and I decided to finally ask what the deal was....

In summary, chill!

This took a turn south, but honestly, it seems you're just angry. I said nothing that could possibly invoke anger and you're angry. All your responses (even the "nicer ones") are angry. Which is fine. But ironic. Don't be angry at people, it's not the best way to address someone. But I'll let you at it, I'll eventually bump into someone who is willing to tell me the reason they have so much anger against their last religion/God... good luck! Have a good day! :)

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