332 words Question from a nevermo 149 words Apostle Update...The action is a go. 191 words Am I being disrespectful? 150 words The bishop died after I told him no explicit sexual questions to my kids 288 words Marijuana is Heroin 143 words Thoughts on posts like these: "Hey look! I'm happy now because I'm drinking, partying, and can have tatoos!" 353 words Hey church, with that 32 billion on hand, why don't you do background checks on primary teachers. 163 words Unfiltered questions from the face to face young adult broadcast... 159 words Unchristlike missionary. 262 words I hate where I've ended up due to choices I made as a mormon 184 words Genuine question from a TBM 180 words Now that the second coming isn’t coming, is anyone else REALLY concerned about climate change?! 163 words Resigning vs authenticity in ordinance for my kid 247 words Who else took their clothes off, let a stranger touch them all over and rub oil on them, then swore an oath never to talk about it? 177 words That girl that yelled at General Conference 129 words First thing I've seen on Facebook from my (very small remaining) circle of TBM friends since the tape was release. I couldn't leave it alone. 273 words Quote from Orwell's 1984 made me think of y'all 117 words Private interviews are inappropriate, but that does not necessarily mean that the bishop is abusing or grooming. 602 words <OK Time To Rant> I sat through the most unbelievably offensive Mormon funeral, and I am so angry I can't hold back. 291 words Recently released Bishop navigating shelf collapse