RM and Former Bishop - now seeing with eyes wide open...

"Sweetheart, you are the other half of me... arguably my better half. I believe in you and the love we have for each other and our family. I have been overwhelmed with my experience and insights working in so many priesthood jobs. There are very good people, but a great deal of what I've seen has not been good. I have engaged myself more in recent years in educating myself about our religon, its origins, it's history and its practices than at any other time in my life. What I have learned is very troubling and sad. I can only find peace of mind on another path. I promise you, I am the very same man as I have always been and my love for you is, and will be, as strong as ever. I have a heartfelt request; please allow yourself to ask that question, "what if?" Begin with the gospel topics essays and allow yourself to explore their source material. I respect you. I believe in my heart and soul that you will arrive at the very same conclusions as I. I won't rush you and I will sincerely welcome your insights along the way. You mean the world to me and it's vital to me that we go through this experience together."

I survived three terms as Elders Quorum president and five bishopric posts. My wife's journey out took three years. I believe it was the sentiment conveyed above that provided a safe harbor for her to eventually look. Our TBM friends and family have shunned us. We're making some great new and very genuine friends.

/r/exmormon Thread