History lesson over at r/AskHistorians

I did not know the Mountain Meadows massacre took place during the time frame of the Utah War and there were many others also killed by Mormons.

This statement in the article about the Fancher Party ''they talked a massively violent rhetorical game against the Mormons. Not only were they going to give the Mormons trouble, ......... but -- the clincher -- people in the Fancher party ''knew people'' who had oppressed the Mormons right out of Missouri, or maybe --some bragged -- they had been those people.''

This is what TSCC's leaders want us to believe, but I don't. They want everyone to believe this because it makes it look more like Mormons had clean hands and the Fancher party brought this massacre on themselves. The Fancher party was asking for it, and Mormons were only trying to defend themselves. Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!

The Fancher party was passing through with people of all age groups including lots of young children. Why would they deliberately try to make things even more difficult on themselves. Even if they hated Mormons, this scenario doesn't make any sense to me. This is not they way it happened. Mormons killed the people at Mountain Meadows in cold blood and the leaders in TSCC knows it.

/r/exmormon Thread