121 words Can we please just leave Christmas alone it a National holiday not even that religious any more can it just be a time of joy and cheer and Santa clause 192 words What was the Drama with the Mormon stories podcast? 172 words Dear Exmo Family, I love you. So many of you have been a part of my healing. Part 2 on sexuality is posted for SMRL Podcast. Sexually speaking, this one is extremely personal- but so needed. I talk about getting to know .. me... I’m hoping to reach a lot of the women in this episode. Much love ❤️❤️ 169 words What do you think is the best way to treat Mormon missionaries? 359 words Section of the churches 1981 handbook on homosexuality that the church should take note of 130 words Never was Mormon, its just funny 243 words In your journey out of Mormonism, don’t let other exMormons tell you what your values or lifestyle should be. This is an opportunity to make your own choices and decide what’s best for you personally. Even if something isn’t immoral or unethical, you can still say no. 129 words A Quick Thank-You to This Sub and Everyone In It 176 words For those who are struggling right now, this is important. 175 words Mormon Sunday School Question: What is the best way to prevent your children from leaving the church? Answer: Do not educate them. Make them insecure in their intelligence and reasoning, encourage them to resent people who are not like them, and avoid all opposing views. 203 words Faith Crisis Question 186 words Doubting mormon who just needs to talk. 144 words TBM mom cursed brother-in-law 143 words Latest Mormon Leaks: Member has intercourse with 15 year old. First Presidency offers $400,000 hush money. No mention whether plaintiff was asked to give perp a break. 139 words Death, manipulation and how shitty religion is in general regarding death. 187 words Lots of non-mormon people don’t drink alcohol simply because they don’t like it, don’t like feeling sick or consuming extra calories, or because it’s just a great health decision to not drink. Don’t feel like you have to. Few people care if you do or don’t. 337 words To all the exmos with "worse" after pics.... 138 words Repressed and suicidal gardener hiding behind dead eyes, to a beautiful and confident future attorney ready to make a difference for other people like me! 231 words "Protecting the Kids: A Play In One Scene" makes the Protect LDS Kids look unnecessary 187 words LDS Church: “There are no explicit questions.” 2016 LDS Memo: “Interviews about chastity must be explicit.” THIS, LDS church, is what’s known as a LIE.