Tonight I took my body back from TSCC...

I got my first tattoo tonight (I actually got 2 tatts tonight but this is the one I wanted to share).

I joined the Church as an almost 18 year old. I was dating a NeverMo I went to High School with and had been for a year. I struggled with abstinence; I thought the solution was to break up. So I dumped my NeverMo and started dating RMs from my Stake. I struggled yet again with each and every one I dated. Each and every time landing me in the Bishops office for "petting". The term "licked cupcake" was referenced. That no "good Mormon boy would want to marry a licked cupcake".

I sincerely thought something was wrong with me that I couldn't get control over my hormones. I was heartbroken and shed countless tears and Fasted over and over and over again. At one point I contemplated suicide. I thought that Heavenly Father couldn't possibly love me, that I was keeping these righteous young men from reaching their potential.

For some of you it's the infinity symbol, for others it's the semicolon. For me... it's a cupcake. Every time I look at this I am reminded that I AM ENOUGH, that I'm not less than anyone else. That I'm perfect.

And TSCC... I took my amazing, kind and loving TBM RM Husband with me out the door

/r/exmormon Thread Link -