135 words I’ve all but given up on my own style… 219 words "I wouldn't want to be cis (preferred gender) because my struggles with being trans make me who I am" 235 words Am I considered Trans or a Crossdresser? 140 words I feel that some trans people detransition just to continue the cycle of attention seeking 228 words I think that the entire concept of “passing” to a lot of trans femmes is so rooted in racism and I don’t think that it’s discussed nearly enough. 243 words I got banned on r/mtf for no reaon 338 words Hugboxing... 226 words "How to be more masculine?" Or "what's something you do that makes you feel masculine?" 126 words Why are younger FtMs so preoccupied with other trans people's transitions? 135 words What do you do about parents that just *won't* come around no matter what? 239 words Do you look at gender dysphoria in terms of desire or identity? 165 words I need a place where I can vent about my controversial trans opinions so here they are. (Potential TW) 150 words Pre everythings in groups of women make me uncomfortable 117 words Do questions on here usually splinter off into "who is really trans"? Not rhetorical, seriously asking if this is something I should keep in mind and guard myself against when entering into discussions. 157 words Do questions on here usually splinter off into "who is really trans"? Not rhetorical, seriously asking if this is something I should keep in mind and guard myself against when entering into discussions. 312 words What even is non binary anymore? 516 words The "Golden circle" applied to transgenderism 141 words I know I should have sympathy for detransitioners, but honestly I'm over it at this point... 264 words I still experience male privilege as a trans woman 126 words Thoughts on the term "trans attracted"?