134 words My 5yo child is enrolling in school and they say I can’t come and breastfeed him. I’m being discriminated against! 539 words You’re not helping 332 words Nice, dad. (sorry if i messed up, english is not my first language) 125 words I'm trans, and this is how every attempt I make at conversation goes with my mom. 178 words As it happens I actually do date women, but fuck all if she thinks that I feel safe enough to tell her that. 168 words Parents try to “cure” their autistic children that don’t need a cure... with bleach. I feel like these “Autism Moms” are some of the worst insane parents out there 474 words Being locked in with my parents is bringing back so many memories 1,293 words Monthly User Story Megathread - April 2020 213 words Almost 4 years of being no contact with my mum and I finally got fed up with her trying to worm her way back into my life. I let it all out! 151 words I'm a grown woman but this is how 99% of my conversations go with my "mother". Unfortunately guilt tripping doesn't bother me since I don't give a fuck lmao 133 words Thought this would fit here 167 words I work in child protections and I’m stressed af. Also there’s less potential reporters seeing our kids (teachers, coaches, extended family, etc.) 279 words My dog ran out while I was at a friends house. This is what happened. 369 words Monthly User Story Megathread - March 2020 310 words Pyscho justifying child abuse 123 words My mom's insane. She's cleaning out my entire room (including taking my bed frame) took off my bedroom door, etc. (More in comments) 185 words Monthly User Story Megathread - March 2020 373 words This stuff messes kids up 122 words I [18M] told my conservative Indian parents that I had a girlfriend [18F] during freshman year of college and asked them to accept me and the decisions I make. 135 words Double or nothing