128 words This anti-vaxx mother is the one who should swear to do no harm 189 words It broke my heart to read this. How could somebody shame their daughter in Facebook this way? 140 words Moving home when you’re 23. 127 words I was at school... 152 words Was told to post this here...Texts from my mother to my 22 year old sister. Mother is bipolar and randomly picks fights with my sister. She’s a bully to everyone in the family and we recently caught her cheating on my dad so he filed for divorce today. 334 words I REALLYYY hope she is kidding 239 words I was getting strep throat, my dad was 2 hours away at his girlfriends house, he refused to take me to the doctor (im 17 and cant take myself) and was teasing me, this is a message from his girlfriend, i drove 4 hours to my moms house so i could go to the doctor. 215 words Monthly User Story Megathread - December 2019 425 words "I won't teach my kids to read." Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea. Maybe we shouldn't teach them how to eat or use a toilet either. 227 words Sterilizing your children... 155 words Hooha 163 words Thought I’d share a golden one with you guys. I do indeed have autism and I’m diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. This was two years ago, I couldn’t be more happy to be out of my moms life. 145 words My mom contacted a Navy recruiter (she “forwarded” the text to me) after I told her I wanted to started hormones (I’m nearly 18). Apparently “forcing” me into the military will stop me from transitioning. Nice. 177 words Sure man, you converted your kids assistant principal into a flat earther. 191 words My Friend's Fridge Because His Parents Haven't Cleaned It, One of Many Fridges In The House 269 words My mother posted this on my ex-fiancés Facebook post after I broke up with him. She took his entire side and kicked me out of the house afterwards. Then got angry and cut connection with me when I willingly decided to move out with my current boyfriend. 187 words Communicating feelings is hard sometimes. 167 words If you had the flu, you muppet, you wouldn’t have the energy to get up and make whatever concoction you think is good for you. You would be in bed and almost dead to the world. What you lot got was a bad cold. Anyway, you forgot your aged urine so your remedy is no good 107 words traumatizing your kid into becoming vegan and bragging about it on Instagram 304 words Insane Mom let me get my nose pierced at 12, and is now banning me from her home for getting a lip piercing at age 24