Was told to post this here...Texts from my mother to my 22 year old sister. Mother is bipolar and randomly picks fights with my sister. She’s a bully to everyone in the family and we recently caught her cheating on my dad so he filed for divorce today.

My mother was abusive and let me be abused. I still talk to her because she's my only family that would support me if I needed it (as in I was about to become homeless or something of that nature). When I was pregnant with my son, who has since passed, she spent my entire pregnancy saying it was HER baby because she gave birth to me, so since she gave me my eggs that meant they belonged to her. It made me so irrationally angry. She didn't want to behave like a mother to me, and now my baby was hers? Not how that works. I'm currently pregnant again and the first thing I told her was that it wasn't going to fly this time around, but I know she still thinks it. To me it's like when people call absent men "sperm donors." Thanks for the eggs but frig off.

/r/insaneparents Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it