135 words I have 0 hope. 135 words Mental health getting worse and my mum keeps saying people who don’t do anything are pieces of shit 154 words Best ways to kill yourself? 232 words I get angry when people try to downplay the negative aspects of hospitalization or act as if the negative aspects are acceptable 162 words Mentally Done 241 words I don’t want to be too specific but I am in a toxic relationship that is really effecting my mental health and I’m having some scary thoughts. 142 words Apprehension about going to counseling 207 words nothing matters 200 words I feel like other people who suffer more then want to steal my validation and I hate myself for that feeling. 142 words How is your mood today? 325 words People who tried to kill themselves but failed, what was your experience like? 184 words Am I the only person in the world always willing to make time for other people? Ready for pure commitment? My life is pointless.Looking for someone in the same situation to talk to daily.Someone who doesn't have anyone just like me 131 words Obsessed by my virginity and being constantly reminded of it 206 words WHY DIDNT HE HAVE SEX WITH ME?? But let me go down on him & gave nothing in return?? I feel ugly, used & humiliated ! IS THIS ALL MY FAULT?? 125 words How to know if I am a victim of emotional abuse? 150 words i’m too scared to get help 200 words Paranoid about having schizophrenia but clearly don’t 183 words Misophonia 120 words Im gaining weight 121 words Vivid dreams causing issues in real life