1/3 of blood samples from Massachusetts study test positive for coronavirus

No, you basement dwelling socially retarded doomer. There are serological studies in Iceland, Italy, Germany, France, etc etc etc. The percent of people who've had it is like 10-30%. https://www.reddit.com/r/COVID19/comments/g3pzek/suppression_of_covid19_outbreak_in_the/

43% of cases were asymptomatic. The sheer number of missed cases makes the death rate of anything over 0.5% absurd. We see a death rate of like 4-5% in the US right now. For the death rate of 1%, we'd have to only miss 3-4 cases per case we confirm. Tell me, using that strongly opinionated brain of yours, does that seem realistic?

/r/Coronavirus Thread Parent Link - foxnews.com