10 years of IT work and looking for a change

On the 'I have no idea what to do' side of things; go on vacation to a poor part of the world. I'm not being pedantic, though I'm sure it seems so. Seriously, perhaps your feelings are those of someone who needs a refresher in perspective.

You have savings - most people don't. You have a job - a hell of a lot of people don't. You have a family - again, a lot of people don't. You don't want to take a managerial position - that's one of the most 1st world problems I've ever heard, next to "They don't have a Ferrari in the color I want!"

You seem depressed. This is normal, and it's treatable.

If you take a break from work, you might not get the opportunity to come back. Let me put it to you this way, if you worked for me and said "yeah, I'm not digging this anymore, I'm gonna take a year off after my dad dies - which is probably gonna be four years away", I'd be kind of alarmed. First, you're talking about your dad like he's a used car - and you are making plans around his death like he's presently an inconvenience. Second, how in the hell are you going to explain taking a year off just because you felt like it to a prospective employer? There's no way in hell I'd hire a guy that takes a year off because he's unhappy with life. If you took a year off to do something constructive and helpful to those less fortunate, that'd impress the hell out of me. I'd be thinking "This guy is a team player. This is the guy I want in my company. He looks out for other people. What an awesome person." But if you said "Yeah, I just went to a cheap part of the country and played Battlefield # for a year (I'm using that game because I like it)." There's no way, there's just no way in hell.

Again, take a trip to a developing nation. You'll get a change of scenery, you'll meet some interesting people, and you'll realize how awesome your life is. Hell, volunteer at a food kitchen wherever you live. You'll be helping others, and maybe, just maybe you'll regain some idea of how awesome your life is.

I'm sorry if some of what I'm saying is coming across as tough love, but it's meant to. You sound seriously depressed, and I can totally understand how depression adds an apathy filter to life. If that's what's going on, you really should get some help. There's no shame in it, and you'll be so much happier.

Have you thought about starting your own business?

Have you looked for a new job? (a change is as good as a rest)

If you want to talk to someone who doesn't know you, I'm here. PM me and we can chat.

I'm not going to pat you on the back and say "yeah, that's a great idea, and tell you that everything is ok", as that is not good advice.

/r/ITCareerQuestions Thread