107 day streak, relapsed on the 15th, high since.

I went sober for 45ish days then broke, ended up getting high everyday since then, it's been a while now, a long while.

But guess what? Yesterday I decided to try again.

The point is man that we're gonna fuck up, we're gonna relapse, doesn't matter because like you said

Dissapointed in myself and dreading being sober again and having to deal with my crap.

You don't really want to be the person you're being rn, the guy with no self control smoking all the time. The fact that you know and acknowledge that is awesome! That's how you'll change. Just don't give up. Yeah you fucked up today but that doesn't mean you have to keep fucking up tomorrow, or even rn for that matter.

Forget new years, quit now.

Sit down meditate and reflect on what you're doing.

/r/leaves Thread