frighteningly dopamine deficient rn

I am also a 29M who has smoked for the last 11 years. I averaged 3-4 bong rips a day, before and after work. I absolutely shot my career goals in the foot by smoking before work every day. No other way around it. I wasn’t committed and other people got promoted over me and now I make 41k to their 104k. I guess I’m just trying to say you’re not alone, regardless of the outcome. If you’re fucked, so am I. :D

I thought I could moderate in February after a 2 month break and I’ve been smoking since. I had such an experience smoking the first time after the break that I was SURE I could moderate something that I enjoyed so much, especially if my relationship with it was at risk. But nope. The really fucking dope thing I love is too dope for me to handle.

/r/leaves Thread