11-year-old rape victim is denied an abortion and gives birth in Paraguay

Patently absurd assertion. "Always in every way". Think about that for a bit. it's insane. If I had a week I couldn't list the reasons why this is wrong. Please do! I have a week. Please give me the reasons! There non.A wanted child, is always, in every way better off.

Which biologically humans will do, for all the horror stories of terrible unloving parents out there, we are naturally driven to love our family. "Unplanned" children are loved more often than not. Even when they are not loved, that doesn't revoke that child's right to life. Jep, a child.. not a bunch cell. A child has the right to the best life possible.

No one would debate that life is easier if you have more financial stability, but to argue that this is somehow the key to the best life possible flies in the face of reason and experience. You can be happy and poor, you can be miserable and rich. And you can be forced to be poor by people that force you to have a child. When you are free to develop yourself in your teens and twenties you have the time and the money to create the ideal situation to heave children in your thirties and your kids will have the best childhood possible because.

At least here you've given up on absolutes. I'm gonna let you in on a secret- all children are work for the parents, wanted or not. Does being 'a burden' on their parents somehow affect the right they have to live? That's a rhetorical question. It doesn't. Because that would be insane- even in the most contrived of hypothetical scenarios. Jep, kids ARE work so the people taking care of them need to be ready, willing and capable. So the kid get the best life possible.

For real? This is so insane. I know dozens of parents personally who had kids without 'planning' them, and they would never say they wish their child was not born, they would never deny that having that child enriched their lives, even if times were tough and resources were thin. This is an insane thing to believe. This is the kind of thing someone with a pathological hatred of children- and probably other people in general- would believe. Unwanted and unplanned are different things. The choice is what matters.

This is so far from being a reasonable thing to say that I don't even know how to start addressing it. Speechless. Please start.

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