13 Losses in a row, EVERY SINGLE opponent more than 850LP above me.

Absolute gibberish.

it's your fault, period.

Who else am I going to blame, exactly? Completely redundant. Of course it's my fault I lost; my complaint is that I'm not enjoying losing to opponents far stronger than I am, over and over again. It's not like there are no people that would make better matchups.

Don't get upset when u/kikimaru024 tells you to git gud, because that's the best advice on this thread.

The "best advice" is a trollish meme? How is it even advice? "Get good". Why am I playing, if not to try and get better? It's not valuable advice, it's worthless harassment. It's not even fucking "advice" at all.

I get that you're trying to play devil's advocate, but honestly, it's all total waffle. You're harping on about the concept of having to lose before you improve, but losing isn't my complaint; being paired with opponents grotesquely more experienced is my complaint.

NO. Before you reply, I did NOT just say "I can't stand losing to people that are better than me". I said it's not fun to be paired against people ABSURDLY better than me, OVER AND OVER AGAIN. The GAP - the SIZE of the gap, and the FREQUENCY of those mismatches is the issue in contention.

The fucked up thing is, if there was some game of league or dota, and you were in bronze, and it put you in 13 games in a row with people in diamond, people would actually be behind me when I point out something doesn't seem right, but for some reason it everyone here seems to be a big fan of BELIEVING IN THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP because THERE'S NOTHING WE CAN'T OVERCOME! WE JUST HAVE TO TRY! XD... rather than just conceding the obvious fact that the matchmaking is too loose.

Why exactly, is it any different for Street Fighter than any other game? Why, pray fucking tell me, would be it be SO BAD to occasionally get some games with people that are within 500LP of my level? Why is that such a difficult thing to support?

/r/StreetFighter Thread Parent