18M - I'm facing some disciplinary sanctions at my college; in a weird and roundabout way, thanks for the content y'all post here

At this point, most likely what I'm looking at is a Mutual No-Contact Order for the duration that either of us continue to attend this university, and a face-to-face opportunity to answer for and explain my actions (supervised by the conduct officer, of course). Even though expulsion or eviction was definitively ruled out, he did not rule out relocation to some other residence on campus.

However, if he does go for the relocation option, I will contest it. I have upheld the Interim Mutual No-Contact Order in good faith, and complied with all of its terms.

There are other factors, as well. I chose my on-campus job for its proximity to my residence, and organized all my classes to minimize movement. I have made friends of both sexes outside of this incident, and being grouped in with the same people who have committed actual rapes and sexual assault is not a stigma that I want to live with. I'm not some evil guy who wants to rape women. I just made some bad choices.

Being relocated to the other side of campus would dramatically upset this unrelated planning, and would be overly burdensome, for what amounted to a series of blunders and mistakes - none of which had malicious or threatening intent.

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