[18M] - Insecure, AM I UGLY?

Oh thought so, thanks for clarifying. I thought I had an underbite for a really long time too, but I actually have the opposite. I have an overbite+overjet. I've looked online and most people who have overbites+overjets seem to have very short lower jaws and chins, which I don't think is really the case with me.

My jaw is somewhat long though, but it's not aligned with my upper jaw (it's a bit behind). I'm most likely just going to have braces to move back my lower teeth and then have my lower jaw advanced by a few mm to align with my upper jaw. It's invasive, but thankfully it wouldn't involve a lefort (complete movement of both jaws), genioplasty (forwarding the chin), or anything of that nature. Either that though, or I'll just use a DNA appliance which would naturally move my lower jaw forward if my plates don't manage to close by then (my plates are still open, oddly enough).

But yeah, it could be worse. Most people who literally have the same issue as me usually require far more invasive surgery (advancement of both jaws moved forward, chin moved forward, sometimes even jaw implants, etc).

Also alright, I will try to go as soon as possible. Thank you again!

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