20 years old and I’m spiralling

You’re not alone! I was about halfway through my undergraduate degree in finance when I realized I would not be happy in a wall street job. I heard and felt many of the same things you describe. Around the same time I also took a step back and discovered that what I most enjoyed in college was my volunteer work with nonprofits. I didn’t want to totally change directions, so I decided to pursue an MHA immediately after undergrad so I could do finance in a healthcare or nonprofit setting. It was definitely the right choice for me and my finance degree has served me well. Since then I’ve switched to working in health policy and again, my degree in finance is really valued by those I work with. Plus I believe it gives me a unique perspective in my field. There are many avenues you can explore with a degree in finance besides private equity so I wouldn’t feel discouraged!! You could try a consulting club at your school and see if that’s an option you’d be interested in or go right into a financial analyst job within a specific sector you find interesting (healthcare, entertainment, industrials, real estate, etc.). Lastly, another area I strongly considered was specializing in international social/healthcare PPPs (public-private partnerships). Those jobs are hard to come by, but I think the projects sound extremely fascinating.

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