how do you split rent when one person in a relationship makes a lot more than the other?

My response was not to the OP of this post. This thread you are responding into a sub thread regarding ‘generosity in a relationship’. People may have financial boundaries due to financial abuse. I am very adamant about keeping finances separate and firm because I was financially abused - not in regards to access to capital or income but being bound to someone else’s generosity. Being forced into sex because my partner was ‘generous to me’. Being forced to do all the chores to an unrealistic standard because my partner was ‘generous’.

I saw my mom go through the same. I saw too many women enslaved physically, emotionally and sexually by their husbands/boyfriend’s ‘generosity’.

Never thought a female orientated sub could put me so deep into traumatic memories just so I can explain the concept of personal boundaries.

/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE Thread Parent