You may have one too

Long ago in a distant land, a disease rose that wreaked havock on the world...AIDS. One by one hippies fell as they spread it from one dick to another. One day a Scientist discovered a solution...condoms. And the AIDs menace was no more. 2020 a new threat arrived. COVID-19, seeking to finish the job that AIDs started rose up as a new power. Rather than use sex as a vehicle, Covid was more clever...sneaking from breath to breath and once again wreaking destructive power upon the world. Then in 2021, it stopped. A vaccine was found and the Covid menace ended.

The year is 2080. All has been peaceful for the past 60 years. Little does society know that the two most deadly diseases have been biding their time, waiting for their time to combine and strike.


The return of Covid, now combined with aids, has lead to death in the millions, and taken over the world. This new threat, named super aids, now rules the world in tyranny and oppression. Only a lone superhero can free the world now. Pray he finds the strength to finally defeat this threat and free the world once again!

Find out next time on the next episode of: CAPTAIN VACCINE!

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