I [21F] am very uncomfortable relying on my SO financially. How do I become more okay with it?

Right now, I bet your guilt comes from your worry that you're not an active participant of your "team." Great that your bf is so supportive- he sounds awesome. Here's what you need to do to alleviate your own guilt/worry:

Start planning your financial future: break down what you expect to make in what year, and what you can expect in terms of long term salary. Talk about how you will divvy up expenses and bills when you can contribute more.

By participating in financial planning, not only will you grow in maturity and responsibility, but you will demonstrate unequivocally to your bf that you are in this for the long haul, appreciative of his hard work, and that you are not taking advantage of him.

By working together as a team, even if your incomes aren't equal at this point in time, you will feel productive and more secure in your "place" in the relationship.

For perspective, my bf and I never lived together when I was a student, but I suffered a lot of self-esteem/self-doubt issues when he was employed and I was studying full-time. Those improved RIGHT AWAY when I graduated and got a job. I know you're stressed, I remember how it felt to feel like the weak link/useless, but you are clearly awesome or he wouldn't want to be with you. Learn from what he's doing now so you can hit the ground running when you graduate. Contribute to the household in non-monetary ways by cleaning up after meals, running errands, etc. Show him you care and that you're an equal participant. Even if he's happy to help you out, you DO need to put work in to show him how much this partnership means to you. I think you dread him growing to resent you...But if you collaborate and help out, AND make it clear that you are working toward an imminent goal of making more money to contribute to the houshold, he will NOT resent you.

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