I [21F] recently got in a great relationship with a nice guy [23M] but am feeling ashamed about by sexual history and I'm worried about driving him away

nothing in life is free. all our choices have consequences. if you are honest you may be judged for it - fair or not is irrelevant, we all do it. that is the price of those actions. if you lie about your past the price is the guilt you'll probably feel about being dishonest.

other people here will tell you that we are all free to do as we wish, and we are, but everything we do comes at a price and the choices we make shape who we become and how others view us.

it's easy and fun to be very promiscuous as a young woman but the price is later in life when you want to be "serious" some of the other "serious" potential partners may not be interested as a result of your past.

it's easy to sit around and play videogames, smoke pot, and do fuck all every day as a young man. later in life when that young man wants to do more with their life and find a good partner lots of good women will not be interested due to that mans past/situation.


our past follows and shapes who we are and how we are seen. we can not escape it, only accept it, and learn from it, and make peace with what we have become as a result of it.

/r/relationship_advice Thread