I [23 M] have been with my girlfriend [23 F] for 15 months but now she has best friend who is a guy...

Besides showing up in their office pulling the guy aside and telling him to back the fuck off because you know what he is doing and it's pissing you off? Do an ultimatum for her. No contact with this guy outside of office because he is not her friend. He doesn't have you or her best interest he only has his. He wants her and he is doing whatever it takes to get close to her and try to get with her.

OP please believe me I literally fucking made a throwaway just to answer this because I am the guy in that situation right now only I am trying my fucking hardest to not be "that guy" whereas he is not. I'm fucking infatuated with this girl and she has a bf and last weekend we were all hanging out in a huge group of us and we were all drunk and while I was next to her she was getting all close and touchy feely and I liked every second of it and she did this while I sat next to her bf!! She is really friendly and nice but holy fuck when you have emotions and you are drunk everything changes. I hated her bf and it sucked! He was a great guy and I would've totally gotten along with him but the fact they were together made me resent him for no fucking reason!! I totally forgot he even added me on facebook until now lmfao! I don't fucking respect him only think I'm happy for is her because he makes her happy and because I'm a genuinely good person and I hate cheating so I wouldn't do anything but if I was like the other guy you fucking think it would stop me from taking her out? He is long distance with her and I can be there in a 2 hour drive that I've made multiple times. I'm best friends with this girl's sister and her family loves me I have every fucking in but you know what a good person does? The don't fucking play with the fire and fuck with other's relationships. You know what better people do? They shut this shut down immediately. I'm only good I can't be better because the feelings are too strong for me to control and I'll bet anything it's too strong for this guy too. Please op listen this guy will not go away unless you make him go away. You either make him a fucking creeper fucking guy who would try to get a girl to cheat and make the whole office social pressure look on him to the point or you tell your girlfriend right away she needs to cut the bull shit and cut this guy out of her life now because he is not a friend he never will be her friend and he will always stick around to try and get in her pants. I've wrote far more than I feel I should....

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