[23M] and my father [60M] not on talking terms

This kind of sounds like my situation. I'm not talking to my dad currently for a lot of reasons,( he's a human peice of shit) But him and my mom are going through a divorce and he drives a BMW and lives in a nice appartment and has 2 cell phones (all off gov money) while me, my mom and my younger brother whose a freshman in college basically live off of pennys. He doesn't pay a thing and comes and goes to our house as he please because "it's his house" he's abusive and he's been cheating on my mom for about 2 years. It's so hard to speak not to a family member because everybody has to put their 2 cents in as to what they would do if they were in your situation. Remember only you know what's best for you and if you think not talking to him is the best thing then stick to it. It's bullshit when a parent decides to pick and chose what parts of parenting they feel like doing and then still expect your respect bc they are your parent. I haven't talked to my father since April and don't plan on talking to him.

/r/relationships Thread