[24/m] How can I improve my relationship with my gf (23/f) - communication/sex?

I think if we didn't have to use a condom, a lot of the discomfort for her (burning sensation/air bubbles) would be eliminated.

I'm not entirely sure this is accurate, unless she has a latex allergy (I've had girls where this is a problem).

Take a moment and think. I want you to imagine this is your life for the next, oh, 50 years. For 50 years you're going to have unfulfilling sex, and emotional reactions to things for no real reason.

Imagine having children, and you having to care for them all day and night because she doesn't feel you're there.

Imaging your dead bedroom because she can't overcome some basic sexual issues. They may be real and painful and horrible and all that, but from your list of what she says, its a utilitarian thing to get done with, or you can do exactly what she wants to get her needs met (which don't seem important to her compared to other things) and yours are not so important.

Bedroom issues should be fun, like coming up with new exciting things to do with your bodies before age and life make that difficult. During your prime sexual years your dealing with issues which don't sound solvable, as well as it NOT being your responsibility to solve her sexual issues. Sure you CAN work on it, but how much of your life is necessary to deal with her issues like this? This isn't your wife of twenty years needing emotional support while going through breast cancer, this is a fundamental issue in a relationship where you two aren't seeing eye to eye, namely sexual intimacy.

Others will say how you can improve communication and such and such. How you should do all this work to help her with her issues. I, however, think you should find someone else who has her priorities and life similar to yours. You want to travel and have fun experiences, you want to have sexual experiences and have fun exploring each other.

None of that sounds like what's happening. Don't keep this going until your 40s where you finally break down and either start cheating or have your midlife crisis, where you wasted all this time on a unsuitable partner and live in regret.

/r/relationship_advice Thread