26, 5k in credit card debt. I make 2,400CAD Monthly after taxes and reductions, need help paying it off

Budget Octobre:

400 Rent
108 Car insurance 263 Car 162 Loan 1 68 Loan 2 99 Loan 3 215 Ciggy x28 1 pack a day 150 Food 110 Internet + Phone 80 Gas 50 Electricity 20 Savings

1725 Total

My pay, every month after taxes = 1840 (460 x 4)

That leaves me with basically nothing at the end of the month.

You are rich compared to me.

2 of my loans were from trying to clear my credit card but it always went back up, it's at 0 now and will hopefully stay that way.

I'm at 16k debt, I wish I was still at your stage.

Throw 200$ at your credit card every time you get paid.

  • Stop the tim hortons
  • Stop the late night mcdeez (ok once a month is very fine),
  • pack a lunch
  • don't drive too fast
  • go to your bank's website and setup an automatic money transfer to a savings account, just 20$ will do for now so you can adjust.

You're just about to start taking loans to stay afloat, don't. Attack the 5000 with your tax return, any over-time money, anything you can.

Lived the last few years in constant anxiety about money. Don't!

/r/personalfinance Thread