26 oy guy,ugly, never had a gf, what to do?

Well joe198989, congratulations on your realization that you are ugly!

It's about time you joined the club and understood: a LARGE number of us dudes are very ugly in comparison to the natural beauty of women!

Except for maybe Brad Pitt... so the ladies tell me.

ANYWAYS... As for tips on what you should do, I'm no expert, and often wrong about matters of socialization, especially towards the female persuasion of our species... but all I can recommend is this:

FIRST, keep in mind that there are PLENTY of ugly dudes that end up with hot chicks! So you too could be one of those ugly dudes!

SECOND, most of all, you need to just "keep on trucking", and continue to ask out lady after lady, in a very casual, nonchalant kind of way.

Never give up asking out lady, after lady, after chick, after hot-babe... (Statistically for us guys, it's a little bit of a numbers game! The more chicks you ask out, the better your odds!)

IMPORTANTLY: keep it casual when you ask them out!

When asking them out, you can say something to the effect of: "Hey, I'm going to be at the XYZ coffee shop tonight, working on something, but if you want to join me to hang out a bit, just stop by."

Something like that... very casual sounding, so that she can feel relaxed, and doesn't feel "pressure", that you are up to something more.

NEXT... once a chick actually decides to show up at the coffee shop (most will not, but every once a while one will indeed show up, lucky you!), then don't get too excited and blow it by sounding too desperate!

Instead, just continue to keep it casual, and be sweet, sincere, non-judgmental, and a great listener throughout the conversation.

But again, most of the time they will NOT show up. So most of the time you will be left sitting there all by yourself, all lonely. Again, welcome to the club: such is the plight of many a guy. C'est la vie: just suck it up, be strong!

Given that most of the time you will totally "strike-out" and she will often not even show up... then you need to bring along some interesting reading material so you don't just sit there getting bored or wallowing in self pity!

You may as well make good use of that time!

Essentially: is that strategy a bad thing? In a worse case scenario you will get a lot of reading and productive work done alone at the coffee shop, and once in a while when one of them actually shows up, you will get to sit with a hot-chick, and have a great evening of conversation.

Even if the evening doesn't result in anything more, then so what: you're still getting to spend time with hot chicks, learn about their life, and hear their thoughts.

That's not a bad way to spend time in one's life, whether or not it leads to a permanent relationship.

/r/AskReddit Thread