I[27 M] am crazy about a girl [26 F], the situation is complicated and the signals are mixed. What's my next step?

The ex husband comment really caught me too.

She admitted her marriage was a mistake. Her husband cheated with his best friends wife (fucking classy, right?), and got her prego.

Around the same time, his gf (the girl I like) got prego. It was a rushed wedding and she knew it was a bad decision because of his cheating, but she was doing this for her kid.

years later they finally broke it off but never got divorced, because it would financially cripple them both. Both have been in other relationships since their split.

Maybe I did a horrible job at describing her, but at the same time I wasn't trying to describe her. I was trying to describe the situations I encountered with her that seem to contradict the text about her saying she was into me. So yes, when I'm picking out the worst/most shady situations and skipping over most/all the good in her, it doesn't look good. but that doesn't make her a bad person.

She didn't hurt the kids feelings. She said she politely declined his offer, and he was crushed. He started crying and she was saying she didn't know how to deal with it.

She doesn't go out looking for attention. She gets hit up quite often because she made a pretty drastic change since high school, and now they are interested. They weren't interested in her back in highschool, but now that she's changed, they wanna hop on.

it's really not as bad as you're making it out to be, but I'm sure that is partially my fault. I'm terrible at describing this kind of shit and I left a lot of information out.... ya this was the shortest version.

But I do think I agree with you, walking away is probably the only option here.

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