Gavin Mcinnes vs. Half-baked SJW rhetoric

Wow, I think you are indeed the most whiney, self entitled cunt I have ever encountered on the interwebs... sad really. Very sad.

Obviously you are ashamed to state your age because it will either confirm what I have been saying, or if you are are older, just confirm your victim mentality and blaming everyone and everything else for your lack of success instead of taking responsibility for yourself.... either way you sound like a loser.

and even if it were, it's funny that you say that is if it were "that generation" responsible for it, and you know... not their parents.

Atta boy! Blame those awful parents of yours!!! I would not expect anything less spineless. Don't rise above it and strive for better - that is TOO hard!

Yep, out of touch. I bet those teenagers step all over your beautiful lawn too and listen to "the rap music"

yeahhhh, no idea what that means... Working hard and earning my own money is out of touch huh? hahahaha I will take current my financial situation over yours any day.

point being? Good for you. I worked 50 hours a week in a research facility, and took on honours course load, and participated in intramurals where I won all the awards (because they gave everyone awards apparently), and got laid regularly, and was in a band, and..

Hey you were the one who actually stated that you could pay tuition with a part time job at some point in fairy tale history. The reality is no... no you couldn't. Hence why I loaded trucks 5 days year round... ummm to PAY TUITION...

Maybe you should figure out what a "generation" is and how the concept works

Well since you are hiding for fear of revealing yourself one way or another, it does not really matter. I am well in tune with how generations work. People 38-50 have a WAY different view of the world than people 18-35. That is all I need to know and it shapes how I vote and how I spend my money. Sorry. We still run things. :)

So do many people.

Not people 18-35. The entitled "I want it now/ I deserve it now" generation... lol

A place where midlevel management or higher didn't require further education. Hell, a place where even senior roles didn't. By stating you've met significant barriers to promotion, especially those already entrenched in the position, you've enforced my point

I am not enforcing your point - I am enforcing REALITY... Education is bullshit. We just hired a kid with a PhD. Smart kid. Clueless when it comes to business and common sense. His PhD is useless compared to work ethic and common fucking sense. Yep, those of us in our jobs ARE entrenched and we are going to use every insidious, unfair, unethical and nasty means to stay there. When it comes to my job I am a dog with raw meat... come try and take it from me. :) Quicker you learn that, the better off you will be. There is no conspiracy - it's how it is now.

Ah yes, this old tired argument. These new music is just noise! Can't spell rap without crap am i right??? What's with rock and roll? It's just noise and shouting! Gimme the good ol stuff. Lemme relax to some Lawrence Welk. Lawrence welk? Are you mad? That's the devil's music.

Oh gawd... really???? First it was my internet formatting, now I am a Lawrence Welk fan... There were some hot chicks on the Lawrence Welk show... nice tits.

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