28 (F) recently lost 175lbs and I don't know how to handle all of the attention I'm getting and it makes me angry

I know it is going to be a not so popular opinnion.

I was homeless and lots of people out there are very hyper sexual.

I learned if i kept myself dirty and dressed very bulky people left me alone.

so I would suggest trying to find clothing to hide yourself unless you want the attention.

It does not stop unless you change something about yourself to become less attractive.

or avoid going places where people are more likly to bother you. when i was homeless i knew lots of places if i went there i would become angry with the way people treated me so i quickly learned to avoid those places.

It took me a long time to realize that i cannot control other peoples actions and that i had a choice. i could either accept that people were going to mistreat me or i could change myself. Becoming unattractive and avoiding places is how i changed.

You might be able to find a different group of people to hang out with. If you can find a friend who is hotter than you. they will get more of the un wanted attention. If you find a group of like minded people they may know the specific bars where the bar tenders throw out misbehaving people quickly.

/r/dating_advice Thread