I (28m) found my addict brother (26m) looting my apartment.

My heart breaks for you. I’m sorry for what you’re going through. Your brother is trapped in his own personal hell of addiction right now...and all of the people who love him are in a separate, soul-sucking hell because they get to watch it happen. I wish there was some way, any way, to help our love ones who are battling addiction...but you can’t save people from themselves. He has to want to get help and get clean for himself. At this point, if you see him again, all you can do is let him know that you’ll always be there for him...but you can’t give him any more money. You can’t feed into his addiction. That addiction is trying trying to kill him. If he breaks into your place again - call the cops. Love him enough to let him hate you if he has to...it might just save his life.

/r/relationship_advice Thread