Mueller: Manafort Has Lied To Investigators Since Plea Deal

That's what I'm thinking too. Trump is supposed to show up for his impeachment trial and is not there. All major networks and Democratic/Republican politicians are their except Fox and Trumps select politicians who were tipped off is about what is going to happen. People are becoming unsettled but Mike Pence assures everybody that everything is fine and Trump will be coming soon.

Mueller is suspicious and begins to say that everyone needs to leave. Mike Pence, not knowing what Trump is about to do,blocks all the doors with security preventing everyone from leaving. Mueller begins shouting that people need to leave as he tries to break through security. People try to get out but Mike Pence makes security stand their ground.

Mueller stares at Mike Pence both angry and desperate, and suddenly the building begins to rumble. The entire building explodes incinerating everyone in the area within just a few seconds. Trumps Democratic opposition, News media opposition, and few Republican opponents are all wiped out in one moment. Trump and Putin sit outside on the White House balcony sipping wine and smiling at the rising smoke covering the skyline. A new age of tyranny has begun in the world.

That's how I imagine it would go.

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