I [29 M] think my GF [27 F] might be starting to have a full-on mental breakdown and I feel completely trapped

You hit the nail on the head with the going nuts. That's absolutely what's happening. Before I came here I never in my life felt afraid of dogs or being alone in the house. Now I'm afraid of both because my GF is. It's bizarre. I've essentially been melded into 1 person over the course of the relation. And being that I have a very stubborn personality, you can imagine that hasn't gone particuarly smoothly or ended up the way she thought.

But yeah I do feel like I'm going nuts. No doubt about that. I even feel worried right now that she's hearing me type these replies. It's crazy.

I mentioned in another reply about staying in this country but finding my own place. My biggest concern is business/income stuff, which is directly connected to her. To be fair she has put just as much work into it as me and any success is as much attributed to her as me. However that doesn't change the fact she's already made it very clear on numerous occasions that if things don't go the way she wants that she's going to make things very hard for me in that respect

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