[29M]. Engaged to my partner [32M], yet need some advice.

ok sit down, have a cup of tea and chill out. What you're feeling is totally normal, I myself experienced these jitters and worries prior to getting married, and am currently experiencing them with my first child on the way. A wise person once told me that worries are pointless. You're creating a million hypothetical situations where things potentially go wrong, but what if none of those things do? There's no point in worrying about things happening until they do. It's like leaving your house, you could get hit by a bus or encounter any countless potentially life-threatening situations, but does that prevent you from going out? No, it would be silly to let those things hold you back. Be excited instead of apprehensive, think of all the cool things that starting a family will entail. AND definitely talk to you partner about everything you're feeling because he's probably experiencing something similar and it will be a great relief to you both to know you're going through these feelings together and can express them to one another. Also realize that marriage/LTRs are a different ballpark than normal relationships, you're making this declaration and bond of your love. Essentially making a public statement that you wish to stand by this person and be dedicated to them forever. so, that's how you need to start seeing your partner and vice versa, as your rock, your best friend, the person who's going to be the first to arrive to the hospital, or jail, or w/e other predicament you find yourself in. I think everything will be just fine, but there will be hard times too, thinking it will be all peaches and roses is just unrealistic, it's how you guys choose to deal with your issues that will make all the difference. Good luck!

/r/relationship_advice Thread