3 months of progress and a lot more to learn!

Routine: Like 30 mins before showering I apply almond oil to my ends using prayer hands. cowash with devacurl one condition, then devacurl lowpoo (I just wash the scalp and let the water run it down my hair), then once more with devacurl one condition and detangle with my fingers, I squish the conditioner in before rinsing. Then I squeeze out water with my hands, squish in devacurl ultra defining gel. I scrunch with a towel to get a bit of excess water and gel out of my hair, then plop in a tshirt for 20-30 mins (until the tshirt is wet, basically). I let my hair air dry and apply some more gel and almond oil to the ends using prayer hands, before it totally dries.

/r/curlyhair Thread Link - i.redd.it